To reduce the uncertainty of using the single-algorithm, or single-climate-model approach to investigating climate change impacts, you can run an ensemble experiment. You can run several different species distribution models for one species when assessing the distribution under current climate, or use several general circulation models in a climate change projection. The outputs of these can then be used in an Ensemble Experiment.

Run an Ensemble Analysis on EcoCommons

On the top of the page click on “Workflows” and then on “Species Distribution Modelling”. Under “Secondary experiments” choose “Ensemble Analysis”.

Step 1: Description tab

  • Enter the title for your experiment in the first box e.g. Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) Distribution. 

  • (optional) You can also add a description of your experiment in the box below if you want to convey more information. Some researchers use this box to record their research questions or hypotheses for later referral.

  • Click “Next” on the bottom of the page.

Step 2. Source Experiment tab

  • Click on the drop-down box under "Select Experiment Type".
  • Here you have two options: SDM Experiment or Climate Change Experiment. Select the experiment type you want to run your Ensemble on. 
  • Under "Result Datasets" click on "+ Select experiments".
  • In the pop-up box choose one or more experiments and click "Close".
  • Select the models within the experiment with which you want to use in the Ensemble Analysis.
  • Click “Next” on the bottom of the page.

Step 3: Run tab

  • Ensure you are happy with your experiment design.

  • If none of the tabs have a triangle with an exclamation mark, your experiment is ready to go.

  • Click “Start Experiment”.

  • If any of your tabs have a triangle with an exclamation mark, revisit them and ensure you have filled in each component correctly.


A log file will now be sent to our virtual machines where your experiment will be run. 


You can view the progress of your job under “My job”. Once your job is finished you can view the results by either clicking “View all results” inside your job or click on the “My results” tab under Workspace. 

For now, sit back and relax, grab a coffee, or do some other work without being hampered by a slower computer that is running heavy models in the background.